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Home » Proper Safety Materials for Boats
May 23, 2017

Proper Safety Materials for Boats

SpeedboatWhenever you take out your boat, there is always a chance that someone could get hurt. Both emergencies and normal conditions pose liability risks to both you and your passengers.

Be prepared when boating. Make sure you keep safety risks in mind, and have the proper protective materials on board your boat.

Liability Coverage for Boaters

Boat insurance usually has liability and personal injury coverage for crew and passengers. If the boat’s owner gets hurt, he or she might be able to use personal injury protection to cover certain treatment.

If passengers or even other boaters become hurt or sick, injury liability can help compensate those parties for damages.

However, boat insurance policies may come with certain safety requirements. Boaters often have to use proper safety precautions before they claim damages on their insurance. If your insurance carrier finds that you didn’t have proper safety precautions in place, it may deny your claim. You might still have to pay for damages despite the denial of your claim.

Furthermore, local laws contain a myriad of safety precautions for boaters and passengers. To avoid any criminal actions, make sure you include proper safety materials on your boat.

Safety Items to Have on Your Craft

If you follow insurance rules and local laws, you can greatly increase your safety on the boat. Keep these safety materials in mind to best protect your crew and passengers.

  • Ensure that your boat’s vital systems always function correctly. Check your engine, navigation equipment lights and other systems in good working order.
  • Post notices throughout your vessel of off-limits areas. Make sure passengers can easily understand what areas to avoid.
  • Keep emergency exits lighted and clear.
  • Follow local law fire prevention ordinances. Install fire suppressant apparatuses on the vessel. These may include extinguishers, sprinklers, sand bags and fire hoses.
  • Have a well-stocked first-aid supply on hand. You should carry seasickness medications, bandages, disinfectants and other common items. You may even need to keep life-saving equipment like portable oxygen on hand.
  • Make sure that you have life jackets for everyone on board. Also keep flotation devices and lifebuoys on hand.
  • Keep your crew trained in water rescue, lifesaving and first-aid practices.
  • Have life rafts and boats aboard the boat in compliance with all regulations.
  • Ensure that you have a reliable way to summon assistance in the event of emergencies. Keep a well-functioning radio on hand and maintain contact with land-based authorities.
  • Make sure that your walkways and ramps allow safe ways to move about the boat.
  • Keep instructions on how to use lifesaving devices in plain sight of passengers.

With the right safety materials, you reduce insurance risks to those on your boat.

Casey Insurance Group can help you get the right Miami boat insurance for your needs. Call us at (954) 474-3387 for more information.

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