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Home » Boat Education Discounts Can Lower Your Premium Costs
August 26, 2016

Boat Education Discounts Can Lower Your Premium Costs

people on boatMost people who purchase a boat know how to sail. They already have experience on the open water. Depending on the size and type of boat, you may recognize the importance of having formal training in boat operation. What many people don’t realize is that boat educational programs can actually help owners to secure lower rates on their insurance policies. In some cases, boat insurance policies may have lower premiums when owners take these types of courses. Should you enroll?

Boat insurance companies are much like auto insurers in the way that they determine premium costs. It is usually based on the amount of risk that the boat operator or owner presents to the company. In other words, boat owners who are a high risk, such as those who have been involved in numerous previous accidents or those with limited experience, are going to pay more for boat insurance than those who are experienced, proven safe operators. For many people, their premium rate lands some place in the middle.

When you take boating courses from a reputable provider, you prove to the insurance provider that you really do have the experience and skill necessary to operate safely. Many of the boat insurance providers will offer a discount on your boat insurance costs if you’ve taken courses like this from an approved provider. You should verify with your current insurance provider which associations are acceptable. Generally speaking, the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators provides an excellent starting point. You can also talk to your local Coast Guard Auxiliary unit for more information about programs available in your local area.

After you’ve verified with the boat insurance provider that a discount may be possible with such a program, take the class seriously. Learn all you can about operating safely. After all, you could prevent an accident that could cost you thousands of dollars. Boating education isn’t something to overlook even without an insurance discount. It can provide a wealth of information about staying safe on the open waters and protecting not only your boat but also your health and wellbeing as well as that of those on the boat with you.

If you are looking for boat insurance, look for a provider offering this discount. Many other discounts, such as safe boating records and experience discounts can also help you to save.

How much could you be saving? Call Casey Insurance Group at (888) 537-1412 for more information on Florida boat insurance.

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